
Enable intelligent manufacturing with open and compatible new ecology and core technology!

Enabling intelligent manufacturing with open and compatible new ecology and core technology is the development direction of modern enterprises in the field of intelligent manufacturing. With the continuous development of science and technology, intelligent manufacturing has become a key factor for enterprises to improve production efficiency, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness. Open and compatible new ecology and core technology is an important support for the realization of intelligent manufacturing.
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"AI+3D vision" leads technological innovation, and a number of new products have attracted attention

"AI+3D vision" technology has made significant progress in recent years, and this innovative combination shows great potential in multiple fields. In industries such as industrial manufacturing, medical care, autonomous driving, gaming and film production, the combination of AI and 3D vision technology provides new ideas and methods for solving complex problems.
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Industrial 3D vision opens a new horizon for intelligent manufacturing

In 1969, the first CCD image sensor was born at Bell LABS in the United States, opening the door to digital images for the industrial vision industry. Since then, all areas of life and production have been connected with images and vision.
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Towards Man-machine collaboration: Journalistic ethics in the era of algorithmic journalism

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence today, the news pattern is also being reconstructed. Algorithmic journalism is gaining momentum. In algorithmic journalism, the problem of journalistic ethics anomia caused by algorithmic bias and information cocoon not only makes us call for the return of journalistic professionalism, but also makes us find a new path in the tide of algorithmic journalism to actively build responsible news production. To adhere to the unity of instrumental rationality and value rationality and to establish the mode of man-machine collaboration is a path for us to rebuild news ethics.
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The latest global artificial intelligence survey: How is the landing of AI in Chinese enterprises? Where is China's AI going?

The latest research on global artificial intelligence (AI) shows that the landing of AI in Chinese enterprises is progressing rapidly and showing broad prospects for development. With the strong support of the Chinese government for AI and the active investment of enterprises, AI technology is gradually becoming the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.
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